E.Y.E | personal branding coaching


Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching

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EYE coaching points

Program Shift Moment® by E.Y.E

E.Y.E is convinced that during change phases, only people aligned at their core are truly enhanced to shift seamlessly. Shift Moment® encapsulates our coaching services


On-boarding team day – R&D team

E.Y.E is glad to help Silvia & her team of Nutricia Research in their new team journey, with care and commitment from all team members.


Insights Discovery Team building

E.Y.E facilitated a full day Insights Discovery session for the Legal team of the Danone Waters division. Authentic discoveries and thoughtful action plan to foster


E.Y.E’s new office

E.Y.E  joins “the 55″, a shared office at the heart of the cosmopolite “faubourgs of Paris 10”, full of positive energy, designed for 1-to-1 or