E.Y.E | personal branding coaching

Training program
Shift Moment®

Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching

A different way to adress your career shift
Your successful reinvention with authentic personal branding

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Shift Moment® program, an unique and original approach

It’s an art to reposition your personal branding, especially in key moments of your life (personal and professional). It takes self-compassion to undertake the journey to rediscover your talents while shifting. Our Shift Moment® program equips you in capabilities to bounce back with agility, in respect of your uniqueness, your personal ecology, your aspirations, and in the long run. There’s no age to show up with your personal branding and to shape your career with a new meaning! 

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More tailormade than an outplacement, much richer than skills assessment, Shift Moment® program goes beyond professional orientation. It’s a programm to:

  • Connect to your whole self: beeing first before doing with purpose.
  • Live your career shift moment in respect of your pace of transition.
  • Progress with delight in your career, with a reinvented and authentic personal branding.
  • Master the art of beeing yourself with Inpowerment®. The alliance of complementary disciplines mind, body, presence and style will serve you throughout your career  (self-awareness, personal branding, body posture, communication strategy, executive image consultancy, career management, entrepreneurship).
  • Be guided by experienced coaches who shifted several times in their lives. They will know how to help you with sharpeness.
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They shifted with Shift Moment® ...

Libellule EYE coaching

" A very complete approach to enhance my self esteem to shift "

— Laure

” I loved the diversity and the mix of different disciplines in the workshops. The authenticity of the coaches, super dynamic, accessible and always by our side to encourage us or challenge us to do the extra mile. They were truly caring throughout the journey and of great help in identifying very quickly and concretely our inner gold. I discovered the power of my body consciousness to identify my needs in my different steps of shift. For the first time in my life, I moved to my new job seamlessly and with a very strong connection to my core. Thank you so much to help me reveal the best version of me, my personal branding. I have a purpose now for my career! “

Libellule EYE coaching

" A program to regain control of my career "

— Jérôme

” A must have to shift at all levels! I joined the program in a stressful context of reorganization in my company. I came out of the program reboosted! Strong moments of personal and professional life experience sharings, full of new learnings. I loved individual coaching sessions that helped me go deeper, overcome my limiting beliefs, and zoom on my specific needs to shift. I can rely on my personal branding (special mention to the session on Power Styling) with confidence. I clarified my roadmap to achieve my goal taking into account my networking strategy and stakeholders management. My new learnings will definitely help me for my future! “

Programme de formation Shift Moment - EYE coaching de groupe, coaching en ligne, personal branding, logo

Shift Moment® is for you if...

You are in the following moments: contract termination,  professional transition or reorientation, internal mobility, business creation, or simply you’re considering a career shift.

You are living emotional roller coasters and having doubts about your next career chapter. You wish to get rid of unnecessary frills and to be cleared of others’ expectations. You feel the urge of shifting into the unknown but  are in search of the best way to jump.

You want to clarifiy and reach your new professional destination with: 

  • A bespoke support, a mix of 1 to 1 sessions and group workshops, to bounce back/shift seamlessly. 
  • A multidisciplinary and innovative approach Inpowerment® to boost your confidence.
  • A clear, tested and approved personal branding to stand out and succeed. 

Our 3 convictions about shifts

Transition is a personal journey and has its unique pace: yours!

The shift moment is an opportunity to master your personal branding.

Inpowerment® is a must to develop self-esteem and bounce back with confidence.

EYE coaching points

Shift Moment®, tailormade one-on-one sessions combined with group dynamic

Join other Shifters!

  • 3 sessions per year: January, May, September.
  • In group of 6 to 9 committed and engaged Shifters during 6 months.
  • 15 hours of individual coaching to go deeper in your challenges.
  • 25 hours workshops to thrive, to help each other as sparring partners and to dare shift safely. 
  • 3 months of follow up after you complete the program to anchor and sustain your progression. 


At the end of the program, you will:

  1. Identify your value proposition and define your personal branding.
  2. Find your personal and professional alignment to shift with purpose. 
  3. Develop, with care, a memorable presence and distinctive professional image.
  4. Build an agile and consistent plan of shift to achieve your goal.
  5. Enhance your self-esteem and your confidence sustainably. 


Start your reinvention today! 

Discover your Shift Moment® journey

Focus alignment

  • Delve into your track record & become the author of your story: your uniqueness.

  • Clarify your personal governance: needs, values, drivers, energy sources, strengths, vulnerability, passions, interests.

  • Identify your must-have to shift positively.

Direction elevation

  • Step back and redefine yourself with self-compassion & care: your personal ecology.

  • Be actor to develop a revamped presence in your professional ecosystem: perception, posture, style, reputation.

  • Sharpen your personal communication strategy.

Objective reinvention

  • Give a purpose to your shift.
  • Reinvente personal branding.
  • Define a consistent activation plan to exude your personal branding.
  • Initiate your shift with agility toward your success. 

You have specific needs and constraints due to your disability. Let’s talk together to find alternative solutions. 

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Financing your program Shift Moment®

E.Y.E Coaching & Consulting is an approved training organization by french State.

Self-financing – €4 500 (VAT excl.) or  €5 400 (VAT incl.)
We offer payment in 4 interest free installments – Contact us

Corporations – Contact us
Offer a tailormade program to support your transformation roadmap and equip your employees in shift capabilities.
(Talents program, internal reorganisation, voluntary separation plan, redundancy plan)

" By allowing yourself to live a full moment of transition, you create the opportunity to clarify your Essentials and to discover your own art of shift with success. "

— NGUYỄN Hiền Anh

Ready to shift?

Book your seat now and join the next cohort of Shifters

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Shift Moment® program

Based on our experience, we know that the mome of shift can be tumultuous, even chaotic. The question “what am I worth” remains central and yet is not sufficiently understood in all its dimensions. Authentic personal branding is therefore a response to this need.

We also know that this is when the question “how do I go about it?” recirculates. The Inpowerment® approach therefore rebalances the way you shift based on your mindset enhancement, your emotional awareness, your body posture and personal style. These elements are essential to bounce back with full awareness and confidence. The intention of the program is to prepare you to make the leap consciously.

We can definitely consider setting up a Shift Moment® program specially for your employees. The program is an innovative approach to develop your employees’ sustainable employability and to equip them to deal with change (internal mobility, reorganization, redundancy plan,…) Let’s discuss your needs together!

Unlike other programs, Shift Moment® puts you and the way you experience your transition / shift first. It combines 4 unique ingredients: bespoke personal development, the unique, holistic and innovative Inpowerment® approach, authentic and comprehensive personal branding, and the well-thought-out mix of individual coaching sessions and group workshops.

We are committed to being by your side for 6 months and up to 3 months after the end of your program to encourage and support you.

You will benefit from tools of different disciplines to initiate your shift in a holistic way and with all its dimensions. We use coaching method, psychology, assessments (Insights Discovery, MBTI, …), narrative approaches, personal branding (360,..), executive image communication, comedy, body consciousness, voice. We have also developed our E.L.E.V.A.T.E® tools (Explore, Learn, Express, Visualize, Act, Test, Exude) to help you shift in a playful way through different steps of your shift.

Hiền Anh NGUYỄN and her expert partners, selected for their experience in shifts, will be your coaches. Their know-how from different disciplines, along with their teaching skills and authenticity respond to E.Y.E’s values and the art of being yourself. What our group has in common and what makes us unique:

  • A deep respect for each person’s uniqueness.
  • Solid experiences in individual and group support, and a passion for authentic learning exchanges.
  • Established and fulfilled Shifters with many years of experience. They will know how to coach and guide you at your own pace in your shift.
  • Positive energy, good humor, kindness and no beating around the bush!

If you are an individual, the cost is € 4,500 (VAT excl.) or € 5,400 (VAT incl.)

If you are a company, the cost is determined based on your needs. Contact us for more details.

Payment can be made by bank transfer payable to E.Y.E Coaching & Consulting.

If you are an Individual and self-financing, we offer payment plans, with up to 6 monthly installments free of charge.

Contact us for more information.

The program takes place either at 55, rue de Petites Ecuries – 75010 PARIS, metro station Bonne Nouvelle, or at another location with easy access depending on specific constraints or our inspirations.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, sessions will be held online via Zoom, with prior notification in order to allow you the time to organize yourself.

With self-financing: E.Y.E offers you the possibility of paying with up to 6 monthly installments free of charge.

By your Company: you can give us the details of your contact within the company and we will take care of the rest. 

No, the program is not eligible for CPF.

It is important to assess all elements of the program before you start. Let’s get to know each other better (free of charge) to see how together we can support you in your shift.

You fill the registration form out and send it back to us. Following receipt of your registration form, we will offer you a 1-hour interview with coach Hiền Anh for a more in-depth discussion about you and your needs. From this exchange, you will be clearer about your shift challenges, and therefore have the best chance to take full advantage of the program. The program coaches will also be briefed on your challenges to be as fair as possible during individual and group sessions.

The payment of a first deposit (amount to be determined according to your method of payment) will then be requested to finalize your registration in the program.

New sessions of the program will begin every four months. You can therefore register to start in January, May or September.

If your company is financing the program, it will depend on the time they take to process your request and to carry out the necessary administrative tasks with E.Y.E. Try to anticipate your request in advance and contact us to pre-book your place!

By joining the program, you have access to 6 months of support, as well as a follow-up within 3 months of the end of your program. In addition, your shift challenges will be determined during the pre-participation discussion and will be taken into account by the coaches involved in the program. This will allow us to be sharp in response to your needs and questions, and will help you progress  throughout your journey efficiently. The coaches will do their best to help, support  and give you positive energy. But the key to success lies in your commitment and diligence to the program. If you are reading this, you are already in the process of getting involved, bravo for this first step!

For organizational reasons, any cancellation must be communicated to us at least 72 hours in advance by email at: contact@eyecoaching.fr or by telephone at: +33 (0) 6 27 64 09 13.

If it is a one-on-one session, we will get back to you with an alternative where possible. If it is a group session, a rescheduling will be possible based on the agreement of the other Shifters in your group and depending on the availability of the coaches involved.

You can stay in touch through emails and the Shift Moment® WhatsApp group with your group and the coaches.

The WhatsApp group is dedicated to probing questions on the topics discussed and helping each other to go progress further. We will brief you on the principles and appropriate use of the WhatsApp Shift Moment® group to ensure constructive, reasonable and enjoyable use for all.

You can send emails to the coaches who will commit to answering you within 48h max.  

Yes. Depending on the number of participants, specific sessions can be set up for English-speakers.

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